Friday, November 29, 2019
Essay Future Societies 2/26 Essay Future Societies 2/26 Ronald Schaffer’s America in the Great War gives new insights into World War I. The book gave historical accounts about the war that other books negated to included. The thesis that Schaffer tries to prove that the Great War was the start of the American welfare state and the beginning of â€Å"big†government. America in the Great War was structured in chronological order of the war, from America’s mobilization to the actual fighting. What the book did not include is a detail account of the fighting. This was the biggest draw back in a otherwise well thought book. The book begins with the mobilization of the United State’s industry and man power. The first two chapters dealt with how the Federal Government shaped the view of the war in America’s minds. The methods that the Federal Government used varied from propaganda to coercion. The point behind the Federal Government’s involvement in propaganda was to rally the country to fight the war. The first step in shaping the people’s mind was to get the labor and industry to work together. The Federal Government established committees and teams to persuade the minds of the United States. One of these committees were the Committee on Public Information established in April 13 1917 by order on the President of the United States. The committee was led by George Creel, former social reformer. He had great power in wha... ... middle of paper ... ...that it
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to Get a Perfect 1600 SAT Score, by a 2400 Expert Full Scorer
How to Get a Perfect 1600 SAT Score, by a 2400 Expert Full Scorer SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Updated for the New 2016 SAT! The maximum score on the SATis a 1600. Out of the 1.7 million students who take the test every year, only about 300 get the highest possible SAT score. This elusive perfect score catapults you to the top of high school academic achievement and can be a big boost to your college applications. I scored perfect scores on the SAT. I actually scored two perfect scores- a 1600 in 2004 when I was in high school, and a 2400 in March 2014 when I took it ten years later. Most of the advice out there about how to get a perfect score come from people who didn't get perfect scores. In this exclusive article, I'll be breaking down exactly what it takes, and the ruthless techniques I used to get a perfect score. Quick Disclaimer Let me start with a few disclaimers. I'm a humble person, and I don't like talking about my accomplishments without good reason. I know a lot of you are looking to score the highest SAT score possible, so I've written this guide to help you get there. So whatever I say here, please take it as advice from a mentor eager to help, not as a braggart strutting his stuff. Also,a last note:I co-founded the company PrepScholar- we create online SAT/ACT prep programs that adapt to you and your strengths and weaknesses. I want to emphasize that you do NOT need to buy a full prep program to get a great score. If you follow the principles below and are very driven, you'll do just fine. I do believe, however, that PrepScholar is the best SAT program available right now, especially if you find it hard to organize your prep and don't know what to study. I'll refer to decisions we made in creating the program to flesh out principles I discuss below. What Perfect SAT Scores Look Like For full transparency, let me show you my personal score report. This is a screenshot from my College Board SAT Organizer: I took the two SATs 10 years apart. The 2004 test was in an old format of the SAT and was scored out of 1600. I took the new test in 2014 and scored a 2400. (Yes, I took the SAT as an adult. Besides getting funny looks from high school students, I wanted to go through the experience anew so I knew what my students at PrepScholar were going through.) So that you can see in bleeding detail how I got the 2400, I've attached my unofficial detailed score report from the College Board. You can see exactly how many questions I missed and read my essay (my handwriting could use some work). Using my score report as an example, let's examine what it takes to get a perfect SAT score. While this score report talks about the Old 2400 SAT, the principles are still the same. In the new SAT, there are still Reading, Math, and Writing sections, and you still need to do EXTREMELYwell on them to get a perfect score. What It Takes to Get a 1600on the SAT At the top end of the scoring range, the SAT is not forgiving. You need to aim for perfection. Specifically, here's what you need to do in each section: In Reading, you can only miss 1 or 2 questions. This depends on the curve for that test. It's best to aim for missing 0 or 1 question. In my test, I missed 1 reading passage question. In Math, you need to get every question correct. No question about it.The curve is unforgiving for Math. Miss 1 question and you won't get an 800 on this section. In Writing, you can sometimes miss 1 question at most.In some tests, you have to get a perfect Writing and Language score to have a shot at an 800. Essentially, you need to aim for perfection during your prep. If you're consistently missing one or more questions on each section, you're not performing consistently enough to be safe for a 1600. We'll go into more detail about this below. If you want to confirm my statements here, check out the College Board score charts for official SAT practice tests. One last question to answer before my actual advice: But Wait...Are You Just Smart? Will This Advice Work for Me? You may have heard about top scoring students who just rolled out of bed, strolled to the SAT test center, and scored the highest possible SAT score without any prep. This was not me. Some people like the above may in fact exist, but they're rare.In high school, I was naturally stronger at math- I participated in math and science competitions- and I could reliably get 800's on the math section. But my reading and writing needed work. When I started off, I consistently got in the 700 range. Now, this is already pretty high, but it wasn't enough for the top schools I was aiming for. I just wasn't that accustomed to the SAT reading passages and the types of questions they asked. It took a lot of hard work for me to learn how the SAT works, how it tries to trick students, and how to find a strategy that worked for myself so I could reliably get top scores.My co-founder at PrepScholarhad a similar story. Since I'm older, I also have the benefit of seeing whether my methods worked over time, or just on the SAT. Emphatically, the principles below have worked throughout my academic career. Here's another example. As an undergraduate in college, I planned to attend medical school, so I had to take the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test). In my view, this is a much harder test than the SAT. It covers many more topics: general chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, biology, and verbal reasoning. Furthermore, you're competing with pre-med's across the nation, people who are naturally driven and competing to get into medical school, not just the average high school student. When I started studying for the MCAT, I scored around the low 30's. The test is scored out of 45, and it's curved very aggressively. Again, this was already well above average, but it wasn't enough for the top medical schools I was going for. So I worked hard. I put in the time, covered all the subjects I needed to know, and was ruthless about my prep. In the very end, I scored a 44: As the testing organization notes, this is in the 99.9 percentile rank, with 0.0% achieving this score (this figure is rounded). I had multiple medical advisers tell me that they had never seen a score this high before, and there might indeed be fewer than three people per year- or none at all- who get a 44.Scoring this high definitely helped me get into the MD-PhD program at Harvard Medical School and MIT. I wish I were talented enough to get these test scores naturally without hundreds of hours of hard work. That would be the cooler thing to say. But it wasn't true for me, and it probably won't be true for you either. With this foundation laid, here's the meat of what I want to say: What Do You Need to Do to Get a Perfect 1600 SAT Score? In broad strokes, it takes a lot of hard work, a lot of smart work, and some amount of luck. But you've heard this before so just this alone isn't helpful. Let's dig deeper. You have to want it. Really, really want it. You need the motivation to push yourself. You need to put SAT prep as one of your top priorities in life, overcoming watching Youtube or hanging out at the mall. In the darkest of days, when you take a practice test and drop 100 points inexplicably, and your parents are freaking out, and you're worried you're never getting into your top college, you need the inner fire to not get depressed. Instead, you need to pull yourself up and objectively rip apart your mistakes so you don't repeat them. People don't often mention motivation, but in my view this is one of the most important pieces that differentiate successful people from not, in all aspects of life. It's much more important than just being smart. Make a list of all the reasons you want to get a perfect score. Write them down. Stare at them when you lose faith. Want to get into Harvard or an Ivy League school? Want to make up for a bad GPA? Want to prove to your parents that you can beat their expectations? Want to compete with your friends?Want to show up your 3rd-grade teacher who said you would never amount to anything? That's all good. Anything that drives you from within is a valid reason to work hard. You'll need this to combat procrastination and laziness. You'll need this to push yourself to execute every strategy I tell you below. If you're not motivated, it's just too easy to brush aside failure and be sloppy about your weaknesses. In my personal case, beyond the academic benefits, I thought the SAT was a dumb test that was impeding my life. I was angry at test writers who devised tricks to fool students. I approached it like a video game- the SAT and the College Board were bosses that I needed to dominate. Plus, my brother had a near-perfect score, and I wanted to one-up him. Write down all the reasons you want a perfect score and use it to fuel yourself every study session. Exclusive Blog Bonus: We've written a popular free guide on 5 tips to improving your SAT score by 160+ points. Get a free download here. Step 1: Do High-Quality Practice and Avoid Low-Quality Materials The SAT is a weird test. It's unlike tests that you've taken throughout school. It presents simple concepts in bizarre ways. This is essentially how the College Board makes the test hard- it takes concepts most students have seen before, twists them to be unfamiliar, and counts on students to screw up. To excel at this test, you need the highest quality practice materials. Because the SAT has questions that are twisted in a particular way, you need to train in exactly the way they're twisted so you learn the patterns. As we've said before, by far the best practice material comes directly from the College Board in the form of official SAT practice tests.When I was studying, I devoured every SAT practice test I could find. I took over 15 full-length practice tests and was ruthless about finding my mistakes, as I'll talk about soon. Just like the mantra about your diet and body, what you put in is what you get out. Trash in, trash out. If you train yourself on questions that don't reflect what's on the SAT, you're going to learn the wrong patterns. Using bad materials is like training for baseball by playing tee-ball. Yes, if you spend 1000 hours practicing tee-ball, you'll be a tee-ball pro. But when someone pitches a real baseball at you, you're going to freak out- "why is the ball traveling so fast? Why's it so close to my face? Ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod." And then you strike out. To be frank, most of the books available on the market are trash. They boast about having a lot of questions, but they're written by people who aren't truly experts on the test. This means the questions don't test concepts in the same way; the answers are sometimes ambiguous; the questions don't trick you in the same way the SAT does. In my company PrepScholar, we hire only SAT full-scorers and 99 percentile scorers to craft our thousands of test questions. You need to have mastered the test to really understand the intricacies of how the SAT works. We've turned away dozens of applicants who scored below a 2300since they really don't understand the test well enough. If you likestudying with books, here's my list of the top SAT prep books available. There are some pretty high-quality books written by true experts, though they can get pricey- buying the top five books will cost you at least a hundred dollars. Collect good prep materials and study using only these. Step 2: Focus on Quality First, Quantity Second Now you have a lot of materials. Some students focus hard on getting through every single page of every book they have. They might not know why they're studying what they're studying, but at least they sure put in a lot of time and effort! This is the wrong idea. You don't want to pound your head against the wall and use a brute force approach. Improving your SAT score is about quality first, and quantity second. It's so tempting to just focus on getting work done, because that's the easy part. Understanding your weaknesses, as we discuss below, is what takes real energy and insight. Think about it this way- let's say you're learning to throw a football with a perfect spiral. You can pick up a football and, by trial and error, if you throw it 1,000 times, you'll make some progress. Now imagine you have New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady standing by your side. You throw the ball once, and he corrects your technique. Move your foot back this way, have your hand follow a certain motion, and follow through. You try again, and it's way better. In throwing 50 balls this way, I'm certain you'd end up doing better than 1,000 by yourself. I'm not suggesting that Tom Brady is a tutor, and you must have a tutor. You can be your own Tom Brady, and we discuss below how to do that. But you need to make sure you get the most out of your studying and make it as efficient as possible. You need your own SAT Tom Brady. Step 3: Be Ruthless About Understanding Your Mistakes On the ground level, when you're actually studying, this is by far the most important way you'll succeed over other students. EVERYmistake you make on a test happens for a reason. If you don't understand EXACTLYwhy you missed that question, you will make that mistake over and over again. If you're performing at the 700 level, you're missing around 10% to 15% of all questions. This means you have some consistent errors that are holding back your score. This is what you need to do: On every practice test or question set that you take, mark EVERYquestion that you're even 20% unsure about. When you grade your test or quiz, review every single question that you marked, and every incorrect question. This way even if you guessed a question correctly, you'll make sure to review it. In a notebook, write down the gist of the question, why you missed it, and what you'll do to avoid that mistake in the future. Have separate sections by subject and sub-topic (reading- passages vs sentence completion, writing- sentence errors vs improving paragraphs). It's NOT enough to just think about it and move on. It's NOT enough to just read the answer explanation. You have to think HARD about why you specifically failed on this question. By taking this structured approach to your mistakes,you'll now have a running log of every question you missed, and your reflection on why. Everyone who wants to get to an 800 on a section has different weaknessesfrom you. It's important that you discover for yourself what those are. No excuses when it comes to your mistakes. Go Deeper- WHY Did You Miss It? Now, what are some common reasons that you missed a question? Don't just say, "I didn't know this material." Always take it one step further- what specifically did you miss, and what do you have to improve in the future? Here are some examples of common reasons you miss a question, and how you take the analysis one step further: Content: I didn't learn the skill or knowledge needed to answer this question. One step further:What specific skill do I need to learn, and how will I learn this skill? Incorrect Approach: I knew the content, but I didn't know how to approach this question. One step further:How do I solve the question, and is there a general rule that I need to know for the future? Wrong Guess:I was stuck between two answer choices, and I guessed wrong. One step further: Why could I not eliminate one of the last answer choices? Knowing the correct answer now, how I can eliminate it? Does this suggest a strategy I can use for the future? Careless Error: I misread what the question was asking for or solved for the wrong thing One step further:Why did I misread the question? What should I do in the future to avoid this? Does this seem hard? It is- you have to think hard about why you're falling short and understand yourself in a way that no one else can. But few students actually put in the effort to do this analysis, and this is how you'll pull ahead. By the end of my studying, I had notebooks filled with practice questions that I'd missed, and when eating breakfast I could thumb through them to review them, like flashcards. Adopt a no-mistake-left-behind policy toward your mistakes. Letting one slip through can mean you make the same mistake on your real SAT. Five Why's Here's another useful trick when reviewing mistakes: ask yourself "Why?" five times? This is a revolutionary technique developed by Toyota to figure out the root cause of manufacturing problems. The point is that when you ask yourself "Why?" five times, you'll dig deeper and deeper to understand what the underlying cause is, and how to fix it. Here's an example. Let's say you miss a Reading passage question. Everyone does this. Starting point: I missed a Reading question about the big picture summary of the passage. Why? I picked the wrong answer choice, out of the two I had left. Why? The wrong answer choice had a phrase that was in the passage, but otherwise the meaning was wrong. I got tricked. Why? I didn't fully understand the passage when I was reading it. Why? I read the passage too quickly. Why? I was scared about running out of time. Wow- you see how a single question can give you a TON of information about where you went wrong? Now you have a lot of opportunities to improve- on how you read passages, how you eliminate answer choices, and how to process big picture questions. Again, very few students actually have the discipline to go through this reflection. And this is why YOU'REgoing to get a better score. Step 4: Find Patterns in Your Weaknesses, and Drill Them to Perfection Now that you're collecting mistakes in a notebook, you'll be able to start finding patterns to your weaknesses. This might be a content area- like problems with math circle problems, or a specific grammar rule. Or it might be a personal habit of yours, like misreading the passage or eliminating the wrong answer. Focusing on your weaknesses is CRITICALbecause you have a limited amount of time to study, and you need to spend that precious time on the areas that will get you the biggest score improvement. I've worked with students who just love drilling their strong points because it's comfortable. Of course, this is a waste of time- you have to confront your demons and pick at where you're weak, which is uncomfortable and difficult. When I was studying for the SAT and MCAT, I kept track of my mistakes in an Excel spreadsheet. I found, for example, that I consistently missed Reading passage questions about inferencesbecause I was reading too far into what the author was saying. I then focused on drilling those specific types of questions until I had developed my own strategy for solving the questions. As another example, back when the SAT emphasized vocab more, I needed to study thousands of vocab words, any of which could show up on the test. I developed my own method onthe best way to study SAT vocab words- what I call the Waterfall Method. This method forces you to review words you don't know over 10x more than words you already know- efficient studying. You don't need to use this for the New 2016 SAT, but you may still find it helpful for any class you need to use flashcards for- foreign language, history, or English. Find the weak link in your chain. When you find your weakness, you need to find resources to drill that content area. If you're weak in Trigonometry questions, you need to find a lot of SAT Trig questions to really drill those skills. If you're weak in subject/verb agreement, you need to find grammar questions to drill. Doing all of this well is tough for many students, because you have to at once: Do practice questions Diagnose your weaknesses Find more practice questions Understand whether you're improving or not Adjust your plan continuously This is the backbone of every effective study method, but it takes a lot of mental energy to do well. This is actually why we started PrepScholar- we wanted to build an online prep program that would do all the heavy lifting for you, so that you can concentrate on learning.In our PrepScholar program, we detect your weaknesses andautomatically organize your quizzes by skill so that you can focus on learning and not on the higher-level activities of analyzing your own progress. By the way, a quick side point- be suspicious of any content-level strategies that promise you results. By content-level, I mean strategies that tell you how you must solve a type of question. At your level, you need to focus on what works best for you. For example, people approach reading passages differently. Some read the passage first, then answer questions. Some skim questions first, then go back to the passage. I know what works best for me, but that's not necessarily what works best for you. What you will have to do is aggregate strategies for your weaknesses, then test them out yourself to see if they work for you. Specific strategies for each weakness is out of scope of this article, but we'll post examples later. Step 5: Eliminate Careless Errors These types of mistakes are by far the most frustrating. You know the content, you know how to solve it, but because of a misreading of the question, you don't get the question right. This can already disqualify you from an 800 on Math. In my own SAT, I made careless errors because I was trying to finish early and save time for the end, so I would rush through questions too quickly. I hated myself every time I made a careless error. But when I focused on the two things below, I was able to claim back my lost points. #1: Double-check that you're answering the right question.The SAT is designed to ask you tricky questions.You might find the area of the square, but the question actually asks for the perimeter. To eliminate this, always underline what the question asks you to solve for. Don’t stop your work until you solve for the correct thing. Another strategy is to write what the question is looking for in your scratch area. For example, if it asks for seconds instead of minutes, write â€Å"= ____ seconds†and circle it before you start your work. This might sound like extra work, but how you defeat careless errors is by having a reliable, failproof system. #2: Be wary about choosing the "No Change" option.For Writing, a common careless error is choosing "(A) NO CHANGE"in grammar questions. That's because when you read the question, it seems grammatically correct to you because the grammar rule just isn't ringing a bell. Whenever this happens, make sure you double check the other answer choices to make sure that NO CHANGEis absolutely the best answer choice. You should check especially for grammar rules that are easy to overlook, like Subject-Verb Agreement and Misplaced Modifier. By analyzing your mistakes, you'll be able to find patterns in grammar rule weaknesses that you have. You can then build your own system for grammar rules that you often miss- for example, for Subject-Verb Agreement, identify the subject and the verb, and then make sure they match. Step 6: Develop AmazingStudy Habits If you're highly motivated and aiming for a top score, you're likely to spend at least 200 hours studying for the SAT. Your job is to get the most out of every hour you can. Learning how to study more effectively has huge returns on your time. Think about it- if you can learn some techniques to improve your study efficiency by 20%, this will effectively give you back 40 hours of your life. Here are my best recommendations on great study habits, all of which I follow myself. Habit 1: Create a Schedule and Force Yourself to Stick to It It's important to have a plan. You need to understand when you're going to do what, and then you need to follow that plan. Here are questions to ask yourself: How much time do I have until my next test? How much time will I spend studying every week? How many practice tests should I take before then? When will I take them? During each week, what specific times and days will I be studying? What will I actually be studying each day? Why? How should my schedule change based on the info I receive from practice tests? Do NOT approach SAT prep without a plan like this. You'll wander aimlessly from book to book, test to test, without actually focusing on what is going to get you results. We designed PrepScholar to take care of all this hard work for you. Every week, we create customized lesson plans so you know exactly what to study and when. We schedule practice tests for you at the best moments leading up to your test date. We ask you for your weekly study schedule,then text you reminders to study. We send you progress reports so you know how well you're doing and whether you need to study more. If you feel like you don't know how to create your own study schedule or aren't confident you can stick to one, you might like PrepScholar's SAT program. Habit 2: Eliminate All Distractions You have so many distractions at your fingertips- Snaps, texts,YouTube, games, and more. All of these are super fun and super easy to consume for hours on end. All of these will improve your SAT score by ZERO. If you're studying and you glance at your phone every 3 minutes, you are NOT STUDYING. The brain is actually terrible at multitasking, and every time you lose attention, you take minutes to go back to full concentration. I know how tempting it is to stay up to date with everything your friends are doing. There's major Fear of Missing Out. You don't want to miss a hilarious joke or be late to a scandalous story. The thing is, in the long term, these little interactions don't actually make a big difference. Think about the last time responding to a text within 3 minutes was VITAL to your friendship. You are not missing out on anything important if you text back an hour later.Maybe you'll call me an old man and just claim I don't get it, but a friend who gets mad at you for not replying within a few minutes doesn't sound like a good friend to me. I once sat in a coffee shop next to a girl who was trying to study chemistry. Every few minutes she would look at her phone, laugh, and return a text. She got through two pages in an hour- I kid you not. Instead, here's what you need to do: Go to a quiet place where you won't be interrupted. Wear earplugs if it helps. Turn your phone off or leave it another room. Don't listen to music where you actively have to listen to words. Don't study with friends. It's more fun but everyone does a crappy job of studying. If you're using a program like PrepScholar on a web browser, use tools like StayFocusd to keep yourself off of distractions. Treat this seriously.One hour spent studying at full concentration is better than three hours at 50% concentration. Habit 3: Have a Positive Mindset. Your Job Is to Grow. When you're trying to get a perfect 1600 SAT score, you'll get frustrated when you make mistakes. I was the same way, and I got mad at myself for making careless mistakes or for forgetting something I used to know. The important thing is to channel that frustration into learning and growth. Treat every mistake as a learning opportunity. Every mistake tells you exactly where your weakness is, and what you need to do to fix it. You are allowed to get upset, but not so much it paralyzes you. Instead, treat your primary goal as getting better- not as getting a specific score. Step 7: Get Fast Enough to Always Double Check Your Answers Now that you’re aiming for a top score, you need to finish each section ahead of time to give yourself time to double check your answers. A good rule of thumb is to finish the section with at least 5 minutes to spare. As you get better at the SAT, this will be easier to accomplish since you’ll solve each question in less time. When I took the SAT, I reliably finished each section with 5-10 minutes to spare. I would mark any questions that I felt I had to return to and double-check. I had enough time to review all my answers twice. The real time-killers are questions you get stuck on. It’s very easy to get sucked into a question for five minutes, frustrated that the SAT is taking a point away from you. Avoid this temptation. Follow this rule: if you’ve spent 30 seconds on a question and can’t see how you’re going to get to the answer, circle the question, and skip it. You’ll have time at the end to come back to it. For now, you need to work on the other questions.How do you double check effectively? It varies between sections. For math, you should try to re-solve the question quickly in a different way. For some questions, you’ll be able to plug the answer back in. For others, you’ll just need to check your steps you took the first time around.For writing, confirm that the sentence has the error you think it does. Again, for No Error answer choices, make sure you aren't missing something in the question.For reading, confirm that there is no other better answer ch oice than the one you picked. For passage questions, make sure you rule out four incorrect answers. For sentence completion questions, plug the words back into the blanks to make sure they fit perfectly. As you get better at the test, you'll have more time left. Aim for at least 5 minutes left after each section, and use that time to double-checkyour answers. Stay calm during the test, even if you get confused on a question. Step 8: Don't Get Inside Your Own Head During the Test If you're vying for a perfect 1600 score, you'll face pressure during the test. You know how little room for error there is. This means that if you're having trouble with a question, it's easy to psyche yourself out. "Oh no! I'm having trouble with this math question. If I don't get this right, my 800 in math is gone!" This will make you nervous, which makes you even less likely to answer the question, which makes you more nervous, and so forth. This vicious spiral can suck you down for the rest of the test. Controlling your mental status is important during the test. Just like a pro athlete or performer, you need to be confident about your skills. You already put in a ton of work, and you've learned most of what the College Board has to throw at you. The last thing you want to do now is ruin more of the test. So it's a single question you're unsure about- this doesn't affect your performance on any other question. Try your best and clear your head, then move on. Does All of This Really Work? I can say from personal experience that these are the principles that I used to excel in academics. If you follow these principles for your own classes and in college, you'll do an amazing job. I would also be hard-pressed to find any top scoring student who doesn't agree wholeheartedly with the advice above. This advice also works if you're not aiming for a 1600. If you want to improve from a 1200 to a 1500, you can use these principles to power your learning. These principles also work in life. As a startup founder, I adhere to lean principlesto constantly analyze where my weaknesses are, how to build them, and how to focus on what's really important for our company. While the SAT tests specific skills that you may not use in everyday life, the process of preparing for it can teach you a lot about yourself, your limits, and your ambitions. This sounds a little hokey, but take it from this old man, you can learn a lot about yourself. Finally, keep in mind that you don't need a 1600to get into top colleges! A 1520+ will make you more than competitive for top schools like the Ivy League. If you get a 1540, your time is better spent building up the rest of your application than eking out a few more points. Quick Plug:I've mentioned my company PrepScholar a few times. If you agree with what I say above, you'd like my course. I designed our SAT course around the principles above, knowing that most students don't have the energy or expertise to diagnose their own weaknesses. PrepScholar automatically figures out what you need to work on and focuses your learning by drilling your weak skills. It also builds in motivational features so you're up to date on your progress and commit to more study time. Check out our SAT program here. What's Next? If you liked this article, you'll also like my expert guides on getting an 800 in each of the SAT sections. Each one goes further into deeper details on how to ace each section. Check out: How to get an 800 in SAT Math How to get an 800 in SAT Reading How to get an 800 in SAT Writing Aiming to get into Harvard and the Ivy League? Read my How to Get Into Harvard guide. Youmight learn that you're headed straight to the rejection path. Finally, check out our online SAT prep program.We have a 160+ point money back guarantee: if you finish our course and don't improve by 160 points, you get all your money back, no questions asked. I designed the PrepScholar program around the principles in this article. Thousands of students have used PrepScholar to improve their score by hundreds of points, which is why I'm confident it'll work for you too. Try our program with a 5-day free trial today:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Chozam - utilizing transportation software Essay
Chozam - utilizing transportation software - Essay Example TMWSuite is a highly configurable enterprise transportation management solution that provides an integrated suite of functions and services to help trucking companies operate efficiently and profitably. It performs following tasks: Manages end-to-end transportation processes - from order entry and dispatch through logistics management and settlement. Combines the power of a PC-based client/server system with the flexibility and familiarity of Microsoft Windows. Provides an infrastructure that links technologies, plus business processes and functions, allowing for high visibility within an organization. Reports "numbers-based" information, enabling decision makers to act on quantifiable facts and established procedures. TMWSuite's framework for logistics software was discussed in TMWSuite Brochure. It includes 3 layers: Executive Office, Asset Management and Back Office, as it is shown at Figure 1. Figure 1. Three layers of the TMWSuite's framework. (TMWSuite Brochure, 2005) TMWSuite is very efficient software solution, but it does not allow transport companies to cooperate their efforts. Nevertheless, it provides support of a full-cycle transport operations. Another product of TMW Systems, TL2000 is software that supports various types of transport operations (first group). TL2000 is a fleet management program that provides an integrated suite of functions and services to help transportation companies on AS/400 platforms to operate efficiently and profitably. It performs following tasks: Provides capability to easily track loads, control equipment and practice peak asset utilization. Integrated accounting system...With TMW trucking software, its customers (trucking companies from 50 to 5,000 trucks) are improving profitability through: Depending on business needs and the transportation software, there are a number of benefits from utilizing transportation software in business environment. Following benefits are cited at the website of Chozam Inc.: Also software exists that performs both of these tasks. I would refer to this group TMW Systems that is the world's premier developer of trucking software for dispatch and transportation solutions. (TMW Systems, Inc. 2005) TMWSuite is a highly configurable enterprise transportation management solution that provides an integrated suite of functions and services to help trucking companies operate efficiently and profitably. It performs following tasks: Another product of TMW Systems, TL2000 is software that supports various types of transport operations (first group). TL2000 is a fleet management program that provides an integrated suite of functions and services to help transportation companies on AS/400 platforms to operate efficiently and profitably. It performs following tasks: TL2000 is light and easy-to-use solution, but it also does not allow transport companies to cooperate their efforts.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Early Childhood Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Early Childhood Assessment - Essay Example ely participate in the process because they happen to spend most of the time with the child, and hence, are the best source of information about the child’s behavior. Assessments of young children are made primarily to enhance their readiness for school (NAP, 2011). Learning problems, if not attended to in the very early years of the child’s academic career, can aggravate with the passage of time and it is far more difficult to make them leave in a grown-up child as compared to an infant or toddler. The pattern of early childhood development is the most fundamental determinant of the development in the later years. In the contemporary age, there is so much competition among students that a child can not afford to be weak in any sense if he/she wants to build the career on the basis of his/her grades. In order to enable the child achieve his/her full potential and optimize on his/her skills to make best use of them, it is imperative that their problems are addressed at the right time, i.e. early
Monday, November 18, 2019
Consultancy Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Consultancy Project - Essay Example A warehouse that requires little or no electric lighting during daylight hours reduces significantly the amount of energy it consumes. In relation to distribution, the items that Amazin supplies to customers are packaged and transported and both processes can have a negative impact on the environment. In order to facilitate a reduction in carbon footprint recycled material is recommended for packaging goods. Transport is also responsible for high levels of carbon footprints and so proper planning and improvements in distribution logistics are critical to the efficient and effective management for the transport and delivery of goods to Amazin’s customers. Planning transport logistics efficiently will help reduce transportation costs and carbon footprints significantly. In fact a number of companies including Tesco are finding ways to improve distribution logistics and thereby reduce carbon footprint. Gazeleys, is a business development officer who also offers consultancy services to companies in the area of sustainable warehousing and distribution. In fact, Gazeley’s provides solutions for warehousing and distribution of goods. There is a minimum standard for comparing items. The baseline facility is a basic facility which meets the requirements for environmental sustainability. This facility can be used as a starting point for Amazin and later it could be used to facilitate further improvements in the company’s sustainability efforts. The information in Table 1 indicates that the facility will cost approximately  £4.3bn to develop. The figures for the various elements were derived from information from suppliers and include the cost of installation of roof, panels, doors and roof lights. The materials are of the highest quality and some of them have been purchased from companies that have received recognition for their efforts towards sustainability. These companies supply goods that meet Carbon
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Target Market for Dunkin Donuts
Target Market for Dunkin Donuts Target Market: The target market for my Dunkin Donuts are teens and working class people within the middle age bracket who are always on a tight schedule running to catch the bus, train or even drive to work/school. The target market demographics is: Teens who are between the ages of 15-18 Young adults who are between 18-45 years old. BlogSpot (2015) describes the consumer behaviour of this category of people as one that is highly consumption-oriented. What this means is that my category of consumers are ones who expect that their product purchase offers them the expected satisfaction and they are willing to spend reasonable amount in getting them. Recent research shows that teenagers and young adults have become increasingly aware of new products and often times seek out new products and they are natural triers and spend hours shopping for themselves (Shand,2016). Therefore, with the introduction of our new beverage flavours and snacks line, my target market will be quiet content to spend money for beverage and snacks that gets them prepared for their daily tasks at a reasonable price. For example, Dunkin Large Chai Tea Latte is sold for $3.75 as against $4.84 sold by Starbucks. Consumer buying behavior is described as the sum total of consumer attitudes, preferences, intentions, and decisions regarding the consumers behavior in the marketplace when purchasing a product or service( 2016). They recently introduced a stronger brew of coffee for their customers that like very strong coffee flavor. What are external forces of consumer behaviour? External forces of consumer behavior identified are not individualistic but rather are forces outside of the consumer. They are capable of influencing buying patterns of individuals. What this means is that these forces are external to the consumer. For example, for my target market, some of the external forces to consider are: culture, reference group and social class (Chand 2016). Culture and consumer behaviour: culture as it relates to consumer behaviour refers to the basic attitude of people in a certain nationality where an individual live. The target market of Dunkin donuts are people who have a culture of drinking tea or coffee especially during the winter. To encourage consumers to stay warm especially during the winter season Dunkin has introduced a new menu which incorporates incredible espresso drinks that are low in calories as well as the introduction of a stronger brew of coffee customers that like very strong coffee flavor. This new item suggestion which is our remarkable offering will incorporate our plate of mixed green vegetable menus. This green menu is also dunkinsway of promoting the culture of healthy living which has become prevalent among teens and young adults. Vegetables for the new plate of mixed greens menu will be sourced straightforwardly from the homestead in this way guaranteeing they are new and firm. Reference group/People: Reference groups is described by (2016) as groups of people that influence individuals attitude or behaviour. Consumer behaviour is affected by reference group in the sense that consumers use reference points for learning attitudes, behaviour, and adapt these in their life. Reference groups influence product and brand purchases, particularly when the consumption is conspicuous in nature. Where a product is conspicuously consumed, the brand chosen may be influenced by what buyers perceive as acceptable to their reference groups. Take for instance Dunkin has a loyalty program popular among young people where customers purchase one of Dunkin gift cards and you receive perk points. The gift card is free there is no fee to join the program when you reach 200 points you can select a free beverage any size of your choosing. Dunkin has an app where you can also put the gift card on your phone so that you dont have to worry about losing the card. Through their app you can see all their special promotions, you can receive double points if you shop in their stores between specified hours or if you purchase a coffee with a bagel. You can also place you order through the app and pick it up so that you dont have to wait on line, you pay for your order through the app its that easy. Basically, this consumer behaviour can help Dunkin create a community of Dunkin consumers with non members eager to join and take advantage of the opportunities offered. Social class: Social class as an important determinant of consumer behaviour as it affects consumption patterns, lifestyle, media patterns, activities and interests of consumers refers to how income differences affects an individual consumer choices and behaviours. Although preferences regarding products vary between individuals Dunkin Donut will strive to make its beverages, snacks and vegetables the one of choice among its target market with emphasis on healthy eating choices which is evident in out green and vegetable menus. consumers purchasing is impacted by four noteworthy mental elements that are recognition, learning, inspiration and demeanors. My key products are: Vegetable menu, Strong coffee and espressos. We have a number of confectionaries that consumers can choose from. In promoting healthy eating choices, green and vegetable menus are being pushed to our target market. Positioning my Donkin Donut products will require an understanding of what consumers require in relation to product needs and satisfaction. Realizing what client needs are and what is expected to make enhanced and achievement items: Through research, as identified in my earlier work, we have recognized that consumers require choices in confectionaries and a collection of drinks when they stroll into any Dunkin Donut shop. Buyers additionally require an unwinding and agreeable feeling as they make the most of their dinner or lunch. For my target group, the above identified external influences will be considered using SWOT analysis to help position Dunkin as the confectionary and beverage shop of choice. SWOT analysis stands for Strength, weakness, opportunities and threat. This analysis will be used through the following: Strength: The strength of Dunkin Donut lies in the culture and consumer behaviour of the target customers. New products will be introduced and developed to reflect our encouragement of healthy eating choices, roll out of new flavoured beverages and hot tea for our target market and seasons special beverages will be introduced. Through consumer research, Dunkin Donut can identify specific consumers who fall within our target market group and offer them specific products in line with the prevailing consumer need. Research questions will include consumers attitude towards new products. Once that has been established, Dunkin will work towards rolling out new confectionaries and beverages for our target market. Weakness: One identified external weakness of Dunkin Donut is its positioning in the minds of consumers. Donkin Donut is considered after Starbucks. We will therefore be using this social class identification to segment my target market. For example, Dunkin Donuts target client is who fall between the 18-45 age category earn between $30,000 to $70,000 yearly therefore, we will have added value services for consumers who can pay more. For example, a cup of Chai tea latte can come with added flavour or topping at extra cost for the consumer who can afford it. As such, Dunkin Donut will be positioned favourably in the minds of our target market. Social class for Dunkin Donut will simply reflect optional choices that will cost more only at the choice of the consumer. Opportunities: The opportunity that will be used to drive Dunkin Donut is its reference groups/people classification which will be used to position Dunkin Donut because we will aim to create a community of Dunkin Donut customers through the development of our app and rewards programmes. A platform will be created for consumers to share their experiences, favourite Dunkin confectionary or beverage with Dunkin representative monitoring interactions and offering freebies, birthday shout outs and get well messages as they are shared on the platform. Through this reference group creation, we plan to have ambassadors of Dunkin Donut just as Beyoncà © has the beehives. We can have a community of strong coffee lovers community. This group will cater for consumers who love the traditional coffee taste. Another external influence that will be used to position Dunkin Donut is the Threats which presents itself in form of health and safety department regulation and control of foods for consumption. Dunkin Donut will display its health department grade A classification on its window so that consumers are aware that Donkin Donut serves the best beverage. Another important threat is security, there is heightened tension in places where people are gathered, therefore, Dunkin Donut will have a good presence of security personnel to ensure the safety of every customer. In conclusion, the external factors identified for Donkin Donut can provide a platform for targeted consumer satisfaction which will provide Donkin an opportunity to deal with every client exceptionally because at the end of the day, we need every visit to the Dunkin Donut store to be a wow experience. References 2016. Good study: Consumer behaviour of young people. Retrieved from: 12 January 2017. Chan, S., February 2016. 3 External Factors that Influences Consumer Behavior. Retrieved from: 12 January 2017. Dunking donuts.2016. Dunkin donuts. [Online]. Retrieved from: December 9 2016. August 2016. Effective Customer Needs Analysis: Focus on the jobs-to-be-done and see customer needs differently.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Parental Involvement Fosters Student Success Essay -- Education
Educators today, recognize positive influence of parental involvement fosters higher student academic achievement levels (Danielson, 2006; Jacobs & Kritsonis, 2007). One crucial element of parental involvement is effective communication between parents and teachers. Research show parents prefer to establish informal relationships with frequent open and non-judgmental exchanges with their children's teachers (Eberly, Joshi, & Konzal, 2005). Accordingly, this article is to explore key research-based recommendations for school administrators and teacher leaders to identify and overcome communication barriers with parents. Parental Involvement Fosters Student Success Parental involvement as defined by Greene and Tichenor (2003) is participation â€Å"in the educational process by enhancing their parenting skills, developing positive communication skills between home and school, volunteering, providing learning opportunities at home, contribute to decisions that affect schooling, and collaborating with the community in support of the school†(p. 242). Research findings by Henderson (1981; 1987) and Henderson and Berla (1994) identify the following benefits from parental involvement: 1) higher student achievement; 2) increase in student graduation rates; 4) improvement in student behavior and motivation; 5) better school image among parents and students; and 6) increase in parent satisfaction with teachers (as cited in Greene & Tichenor, 2003). Although, participation can vary from parent to parent, Greene and Tichenor (2003), and researchers alike found it to be always beneficial to the student and teacher. In fact, Davern’s 2004 study argues â€Å"positive connections with families are fundamental to providing high-quality e... ...iverse backgrounds as a means to improve student achievement levels in the United States: A National focus. Retrieved May 21, 2012 from, ERIC database. (ED499648). Lasley, M. (2005). Difficult conversations: Authentic communication leads to greater understanding and teamwork. Group Facilitation: A Research and Applications Journal, 7. Retrieved March 9, 2008, from Richard, H.V., Brown, A.F., & Forde, T.B. (2006). Addressing diversity in schools: Cultural responsive pedagogy. Culturally Responsive Teaching Resources. Retrieved May 23, 2012, from Robinson, S., Kennedy, S. (2009, July). Standards in practice: an instructional gap analysis. Paper presented at the National Staff Development Council Summer Conference, Boston. Parental Involvement Fosters Student Success Essay -- Education Educators today, recognize positive influence of parental involvement fosters higher student academic achievement levels (Danielson, 2006; Jacobs & Kritsonis, 2007). One crucial element of parental involvement is effective communication between parents and teachers. Research show parents prefer to establish informal relationships with frequent open and non-judgmental exchanges with their children's teachers (Eberly, Joshi, & Konzal, 2005). Accordingly, this article is to explore key research-based recommendations for school administrators and teacher leaders to identify and overcome communication barriers with parents. Parental Involvement Fosters Student Success Parental involvement as defined by Greene and Tichenor (2003) is participation â€Å"in the educational process by enhancing their parenting skills, developing positive communication skills between home and school, volunteering, providing learning opportunities at home, contribute to decisions that affect schooling, and collaborating with the community in support of the school†(p. 242). Research findings by Henderson (1981; 1987) and Henderson and Berla (1994) identify the following benefits from parental involvement: 1) higher student achievement; 2) increase in student graduation rates; 4) improvement in student behavior and motivation; 5) better school image among parents and students; and 6) increase in parent satisfaction with teachers (as cited in Greene & Tichenor, 2003). Although, participation can vary from parent to parent, Greene and Tichenor (2003), and researchers alike found it to be always beneficial to the student and teacher. In fact, Davern’s 2004 study argues â€Å"positive connections with families are fundamental to providing high-quality e... ...iverse backgrounds as a means to improve student achievement levels in the United States: A National focus. Retrieved May 21, 2012 from, ERIC database. (ED499648). Lasley, M. (2005). Difficult conversations: Authentic communication leads to greater understanding and teamwork. Group Facilitation: A Research and Applications Journal, 7. Retrieved March 9, 2008, from Richard, H.V., Brown, A.F., & Forde, T.B. (2006). Addressing diversity in schools: Cultural responsive pedagogy. Culturally Responsive Teaching Resources. Retrieved May 23, 2012, from Robinson, S., Kennedy, S. (2009, July). Standards in practice: an instructional gap analysis. Paper presented at the National Staff Development Council Summer Conference, Boston.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Graphic Novels in education Essay
Graphic novels and comic books have been some of the most debated topics recently in many different areas. Many people think that they could be helpful in education, while some others completely disagree. Some people think they are childish, and some think they require just as much comprehension as long, fictional novels. However, despite all the criticism graphic novels often get, the genre is growing recently. Many things have led to this rise in interest, from easier access on the Internet to the many superhero movies sparking interest in a younger audience. Due to this recent rise in popularity for graphic novels, several people believe that this genre can be helpful in all levels of education. There are positives and negatives to this possibility, like everything else, but the positives seem to outweigh the negatives. One thing that weighs in favor of adding more graphic novels into education is that they are easier to read and can be more encouraging for students who may not like to read. There are several things that one must be able to do to read and understand graphic novels, including comprehending visual imagery and making inferences. The biggest factors that are helping push graphic novels into education are what was just mentioned; the way students now learn, the need to make inferences, and the need for students to learn visually. Every teacher can admit to having a few students in class that were not particularly good readers or that did not enjoy reading. If graphic novels were read more widely in classrooms, that would help with these certain students learning. The vocabulary and diction used in this genre is much simpler than in most word-based novels that would be read in class. Often, students who are given a very long book, they simply do not even read for their assignments. However, if one of these same students was given a longer graphic novel, like Watchmen for example, it is very likely that they would be more willing to read. Another method that makes these works easier for some students is that the words are more spread out, which makes the student only comprehend small parts at a time. This makes students who are less confident with their reading skills able to better manage comprehending the purpose in a novel. Although the speech in graphic novels is simpler, students are still â€Å"challenged by the need to infer and decipher a variety of literary devices†(Constantino). Another positive factor in graphic novels is how visual it is. Children today are becoming much more visual learners. This is probably due to the prevalence of television and computers in today’s society. While, television and computers have often been looked at as negative impacts in children’s learning, many students have figured out that there are good things on television and the internet. Also, these students have found out that there are books that are not particularly good, despite what they have been taught. While there is still going to be those people out there who will have their doubts about allowing this genre in education, students would benefit from having more visual learning and less long narratives in class, which is just what graphic novels would bring. One of the most important abilities for a student when reading is learning how to make inferences. Many times in comics and graphic novels, the author will give a â€Å"bare outline†of what is going on, and leave the reader to â€Å"fill in the blanks†with the scenery or facial expressions of the characters (Walter). This ability is key to not only reading, but also in daily life. Inferences often need to be made in conversation to know exactly what situation that person is going through. If graphic novels were added to more school’s curriculum, then not only would students’ reading abilities improve, but their conversational skills would also improve. The reader of comics must also be able to decode the messages that the writer displays in his work. No matter how discrete of a message the author may insert into a work, the reader must be able to put together the pieces of the puzzle to create a continuous story. The reader must perform closure in between the â€Å"encapsulated moments in order to create a completed whole out of fragments†(Duncan and Smith 12). This closure that the reader must make is very similar to making inferences. To do both, one must apply background knowledge and relate events that may be described indirectly to blend these sequences into a constant story. Because of the important skill of making inferences that is necessary to read and understand graphic novels, they can be used as a gateway to reading more challenging works by developing this skill in children. As was mentioned previously, children are relying more and more on learning through visual techniques. Because of that, comics can be much more helpful than long narratives in teaching students to understand imagery, tone, symbolism, and many others. One example of how visual aids can help students learn is by using facial expression or body language of the drawn characters in graphic novels. Students will be able to gain many details of the story by simply looking at these two things. By looking at a character’s facial expression, one can learn the current mood of the story, along with what tone the character may be using. Teaching students to look at these things will not just help them when reading a graphic novel, it can also help them figure out certain situations that may occur during their lives. While some people argue that graphic novels are much simpler or not as mentally stimulating, they do share some characteristics with text-based narratives. One characteristic in particular is that they both use onomatopoeia. While these text-based narratives will insert these words into a sentence, graphic novels will make an entire panel out of one of these words. Although both of these genres do use onomatopoeia equally as much, the usage in graphic novels is more imaginative. In graphic novels, the word is usually brought to the center of the page, and made colorful and exciting. Because of the way that graphic novels display this literary technique, students can easier realize when that literary device is being used. Students can get a better understanding of when this literary device is applicable, and that will make them more confident as they continue reading. Despite the fact that graphic novels can often maintain a simpler vocabulary, they can still teach students simple literary devices like onomatopoeia. While the vocabulary is usually simpler, the material is more complex. As Linda Starr states in her article, an advantage of using graphic novels in the classroom is that these books â€Å"present complex material in readable text†. This gives graphic novels an advantage over other, harder to read, novels because more often than not, these students have a greater understanding of issues that are dealt with in books, but not all the time can they decipher what the issues are because of the more difficult vocabulary. One way to simplify things for these students, while still challenging them mentally is to provide more graphic novels in the curriculum. There is always going to be crowds of people who will deny graphic novels ever being relevant in education, but the different ways students are learning, the way students must make inferences, and the visual techniques that are displayed in graphic novels all provide reasons why these texts should be included in the classroom today. Graphic novels can serve as a spring into a lifelong love of reading or it can simply keep the student interested enough to get through an assignment. Whatever a student’s level of reading skill, there is no doubt that they will be able to read a graphic novel, while still maintaining a certain complexity in the ideas presented. Graphic novels can also teach students how to make inferences, as well as recognize and understand common literary techniques. Above all, students’ imaginations, and possibly interests will rise because of this genre being implemented into a curriculum. As Jesse Karp notes about graphic novels, â€Å"the form reaches young people in a way no other can†, and that is what is most important to future students’ learning. Works Cited Constantino, Correne. â€Å"Teaching English and Reading with Graphic Novels†. Education. cu-portland. edu. Concordia University, n. d. Web. 3 May 2013. Randy Duncan and Matthew J. Smith. The Power of Comics: History, Form and Culture. New York: The Continuum International Publishing Group, 2009. Print. Karp, Jesse. â€Å"The Case for Graphic Novels in Education†. Americanlibrariesmagazine. org. Chicago: American Library Associarion, 1 Aug. 2011. Web. 3 May 2013. Starr, Linda. â€Å"Eek! Comics in the Classroom! †. Educationworld. com. Education World, 11 Jan. 2008. Web. 3 May 2013. Walter, Carlene. â€Å"Graphic Novels†. Eclection. wikispaces. com. Tangient LLC, n. d. Web. 3 May 2013.
Friday, November 8, 2019
U.S. President Mckinley Assassinated
U.S. President Mckinley Assassinated On September 6, 1901, anarchist Leon Czolgosz walked up to U.S. President William McKinley at the Pan-American Exposition in New York and shot McKinley at point-blank range. After the shooting, it first appeared that President McKinley was getting better; however, he soon took a turn for the worse and died on September 14 from gangrene. The daylight assassination attempt horrified millions of Americans. Greeting People at the Pan-American Exposition On September 6, 1901, U.S. President William McKinley spent the morning visiting Niagara Falls with his wife before returning to the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York in the afternoon to spend a few minutes greeting the public. By about 3:30 p.m., President McKinley stood inside the Temple of Music building at the Exposition, ready to begin shaking the hands of the public as they streamed into the building. Many had been waiting for hours outside in the heat for their chance to meet the President. Unbeknownst to the President and the many guards who stood nearby, among those waiting outside was 28-year-old anarchist Leon Czolgosz who was planning to kill President McKinley. At 4 p.m. the doors to the building were opened and the mass of people waiting outside were forced into a single line as they entered the Temple of Music building. The line of people thus came up to the President in an organized fashion, with just enough time to whisper a Nice to meet you, Mr. President, shake President McKinleys hand, and then be forced to continue along the line and out the door again. President McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, was a popular president who had just started his second term in office and the people seemed clearly glad to get a chance to meet him. However, at 4:07 p.m. Leon Czolgosz had made it into the building and it was his turn to greet the President. Two Shots Rang Out In Czolgoszs right hand, he held a .32 caliber Iver-Johnson revolver, which he had covered by wrapping a handkerchief around the gun and his hand. Although Czolgoszs swaddled hand was noticed before he reached the President, many thought it looked like it covered an injury and not that it was hiding a gun. Also, since the day had been hot, many of the visitors to see the President had been carrying handkerchiefs in their hands so that they could wipe the sweat off their faces. When Czolgosz reached the President, President McKinley reached out to shake his left hand (thinking Czolgoszs right hand was injured) while Czolgosz brought up his right hand to President McKinleys chest and then fired two shots. One of the bullets didnt enter the president - some say it bounced off of a button or off the presidents sternum and then got tucked into his clothing. The other bullet, however, entered the presidents abdomen, tearing through his stomach, pancreas, and kidney. Shocked at being shot, President McKinley began to sag as blood stained his white shirt. He then told those around him, Be careful how you tell my wife. Those in line behind Czolgosz and guards in the room all jumped on Czolgosz and started to punch him. Seeing that the mob on Czolgosz might easily and quickly kill him, President McKinley whispered either, Dont let them hurt him or Go easy on him, boys. President McKinley Undergoes Surgery President McKinley was then whisked away in an electric ambulance to the hospital at the Exposition. Unfortunately, the hospital was not properly equipped for such a surgery and the very experienced doctor usually on premises was away doing a surgery in another town. Although several doctors were found, the most experienced doctor that could be found was Dr. Matthew Mann, a gynecologist. The surgery began at 5:20 p.m. During the operation, the doctors searched for the remains of the bullet that had entered the Presidents abdomen, but were unable to locate it. Worried that continued searching would tax the Presidents body too much, the doctors decided to discontinue looking for it and to sew up what they could. The surgery was completed a little before 7 p.m. Gangrene and Death For several days, President McKinley seemed to be getting better. After the shock of the shooting, the nation was excited to hear some good news. However, what the doctors did not realize was that without drainage, an infection had built up inside the President. By September 13 it was obvious the President was dying. At 2:15 a.m. on September 14, 1901, President William McKinley died of gangrene. That afternoon, Vice President Theodore Roosevelt was sworn in as President of the United States. The Execution of Leon Czolgosz After being pummeled right after the shooting, Leon Czolgosz had been arrested and taken to police headquarters before nearly being lynched by the angry crowds that surrounded the Temple of Music. Czolgosz readily admitted that he was the one who had shot the President. In his written confession, Czolgosz stated, I killed President McKinley because I done my duty. I didnt believe one man should have so much service and another man should have none. Czolgosz was brought to trial on September 23, 1901. He was quickly found guilty and sentenced to death. On October 29, 1901, Leon Czolgosz was electrocuted.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
We Decide if Rejection Fits
We Decide if Rejection Fits When we are rejected, whether Yea, yea, youve heard all that, and its easier said than done. You know, the standing back up stuff. After all, arent we just getting shot, then standing back up to be shot again? Maybe. But sooner or later, those people run out of ammo. I had a real pity party this week. Hey, didnt I have one of those not too long ago? Yes, but there are all sorts of ways to be rejected, you know. And about the time you toughen up to one form of it, another slaps you from behind. This time, I actually sat down with a cup of coffee and asked myself some pertinent questions because I didnt like how this situation made me think. I was not chosen for a speaking engagement that Id spoken at before. And its laughable now, but I caught myself seeking ways to criticize the event and the players involved rather than looking in the mirror. Childish. Then I asked myself: Do you feel like a lesser person because you didnt make the cut? Is that the problem? Did they make you question yourself, make you think you were on the wrong track? Then I asked: Is there anything in this situation that would make you change who you are and what you do? Are these gatekeepers important enough to alter your path? We dont like to think of ourselves as substandard. But sometimes its as simple as we dont have the right connection. Sometimes the person in front of us made the cut and filled the slot. Sometimes who and what we are isnt the who and what someone else needs for the job. Was I ready to change something major as a result of that particular rejection? Sometimes a rejection is a sign we arent our best, but not this time. My husband tried to tell me how they didnt merit me, which was sweet. Who doesnt love a good cheerleader? But instead I took my coffee cup back to the computer and kept on working. I could think its their loss or theyre stupid or they dont deserve me, but that makes me a type of person I dont want to be. I was a square peg for their not-so-square hole. Better to spend my energy seeking square holes.
Monday, November 4, 2019
The impact of legislation on health,safty and environmental aspects of Essay
The impact of legislation on health,safty and environmental aspects of surface coatings - Essay Example Recently, the CEN Technical Board directed that the European standard work item should include assessment of the environmental aspect. The evaluation should be undertaken between Stage 11 (work allocated to Technical Body) and Stage 32 (working document circulated to Technical Body). This can be done by accomplishing a checklist provided by the CEN pertaining to environmental aspect. The checklist serves to ensure that the environmental aspects are in line with CEN directive seen in its system handbook guidelines. Similar to this, the ISO has come up with the ISO Guide 64 which calls for life cycle assessment to assess the environmental impact and recognized scientific technique used. (Wallstrom 2000) In terms of standards for paints and varnishes, the environmental aspect involves the minimization of pigment concentration, dispersion, grinding time and method, and durability among others. Moreover, the use of volatile organic compounds is highlighted. In relation to this, standards set acknowledge the fact the use of VOC in this industry may not entirely be avoided. However, the use of less harmful substances is encouraged. (Wallstrom 2000) The health and safety aspects concentrate on the use of reagents. The standards call for the substitution of aromatic compounds used for cleaning purposes whenever possible and the substitution of aliphatic solvent with vegetable ester with or without emulsifier. (Wallstrom 2000) All in all, majority of the technical standards set by both CEN and ISO for paints or surface coatings are focused on the test methods. However, it should be noted that these standards under test methods do not include much about environmental aspect unlike the standards for products and processes. Standards for products especially have significant impact on the choice of system and strongly encourage compliance with local and international legislations implemented. (Wallstrom 2000) The environmental, health and safety
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Making Choices English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Making Choices English - Essay Example Here I am happy with him and make the most of every moment as I have made perfect choices of time without chances for regrets. In this new life, it is still a lot of hard work that makes me cope up with the conditions and requirements of the city life. The culture and trendy life styles of American people inspires me a lot to work out plans for the betterment of my life here. My early life itself had taught me enough lessons to choose wisely and that may be the reason why I manage to live better; and that may be the reason why I chose to come to America and get married to the man I loved. I know the fact that for many people, life teaches lessons of life with severe experimental exposure to hard and bitter experiences. As you complete one of your courses of your studies, you feel potentially able to handle the situations related to the subject. However, there is another thing you will love to learn either for excellence or for mere enthusiasm. The process of choosing something goes o n everlasting as long as we are to live on, yet some of them are very important in our life. I may case, the choice to live in America is the most important one I have taken so far. There was a time when I feared the dreads of migrating to a new country in search of opportunities to support my studies and find a job to happily move on my life. From the conservatory life I used to live in my community, it was always a dream to live in this land of opportunities. Most of my classmates preferred to study in the Philippines itself who did not think beyond their limitations to travel abroad. Sometimes I felt I should follow their path and continue my higher studies there and settle my life doing some job locally obtained. As I remember those day now, and when I compare my present life with the past days, I remember the quote â€Å"I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference†from the famous poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost. It was a ll very important for me to take one way from those left before me; and I chose the rare one – travel beyond the seas in search of a beautiful life. The confidence of a moment I had brought me up until this day; and I am sure, I have made the correct choice as I have a happy life now with all the grace of the job I do now alongside my studies. It was a tough choice, of course, since I was confused as the poet says, â€Å"Oh, I marked the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads to way I doubted If I should ever come back†(Frost). Every beginner feels puzzled at a condition when he needs to take a path to move on and the confusion remains dreadful till certain point of consistency. In my personal experience, I had no option other than to choose a job to earn the bread; therefore, I decided to I am proud to say I have fallen out well and met the challenges of my life which I would have had if I had continued to live in my home country. When it comes to my job an d the management of time I need to apply for maintaining the smoothness of the family life, I really need to work hard. Meeting the needs of a happy life in America demands much of you sweat; most of the time, you forget your hunger in the rush for punctuality, but it is rewarding to be busy in a city. The basic element of living in a city far away from your homeland with a different culture is always associated with our meritorious effort for excellence at work field. One will have to ignore values and self-made principles to some extend
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