Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Difference Between Choice and Addiction - 1996 Words
The Difference between Choice and Addiction By: Michael Chorba Jr. COM 220 June 30, 2010 Nicole Mclnnes Doctors believe that addiction or alcoholism isn’t a choice but believe that it is a disease. The definition of disease is â€Å"A definite pathologic process with a characteristic set of signs and symptoms. It may affect the whole body or any of its parts, and its etiology, pathology, and prognosis may be known or unknown†(MDO, 2010). Addiction and alcoholism is more of a disease than a choice. This is because a disease makes people sick and withdrawal will give you symptoms like runny nose, cold sweats, troubles sleeping and nausea just like the flu. Also the human brain can be chemically changed which could cause unstable†¦show more content†¦When a child is in an environment, in which drug abuse or alcoholism takes place he or she has an increased risk of becoming an alcoholic or substance abuser himself or herself. In this type of environment the child may also be forced to use the substances by the addicted abusing parents. The parents who use drugs and alcohol to cope with their lives will teach their children to cope with their lives the same way. This may cause the child to be taken out of a home and put into a foster care, or may be an institution. â€Å"Statistics show that 43 percent of adult Americans have been exposed to alcoholism and drug addiction in their families†(NCA, 2009). However, drug addiction and alcoholism causes physical illnesses but it, also causes mental illnesses. When a child is introduced to this disease in the past it, can cause a psychiatric disorder. When a child is in an environment with a substance abuser he or she will play a certain role in the family who will later affect the child’s mentality. For instance the child can play the role of a scapegoat who takes the blame, the hero who saves the day, the mascot that entertains, the chief enabler, the little parent or the lost child fades away in a family (AWA, 2009). These certain roles that they play as a child can cause a variety o f mental disorders and change of behaviors. If a â€Å"lost child†feels unhappy because he or she gets no attention from the family this can lead toShow MoreRelatedAddiction : An Emergent Consequence Of Elementary Choice Principles Essay1195 Words  | 5 PagesInformation Heyman, Gene M. 2013 Addiction: An Emergent Consequence of Elementary Choice Principles.Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 56 (5):428-445. Abstract The measurement of the research concerning addiction is regarded as a brain disease by researchers, physician, and informed societies; however, the extreme use of narcotics is projected as an individual’s choice. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Drug Guidelines And Amendments Over The Past 15 Years
Retroactivity of Drug Guidelines and Amendments over the past 15 years It is widely recognized by an array of participants in the criminal justice system that there is an incredible amount of people in federal prison today. A significant reason for this is that too many nonviolent drug offenders have been sentenced to prison terms that are greater than necessary. The impact of the current amendments, slowly but surely, supports retroactive application throughout the incarceration system. Retroactive application is a matter of simple justice: It is unfair for thousands of prisoners to continue serving disproportionately severe punishments. So in light of this fact the United States Sentencing Commission, â€Å"an independent agency in the judicial branch of the federal government, was organized in 1985 to develop a national sentencing policy for the federal courts. The resulting sentencing guidelines provide structure for the courts’ sentencing discretion to help ensure that similar offenders who commit similar offenses receive similar sentences. †(USSC 2016) The Commission estimates that the average extent of reduction in sentence for those eligible for the retroactive application would be 18.4 percent (USSC 2016) amongst the entire criminal justice system. Some would argue that retroactive application that makes changes to the base offense level would be difficult to apply. But according to the USSC â€Å"The change to each and every affected case will be not easy, but simple.†Show MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Gun Violence1249 Words  | 5 Pagesforbid illegal activity, crime has lessened nationwide. Several categories of crime such as guns, drugs, and organized crimes spark major concern. Crime has existed since human conscience was active. Gun violence is the illegal use of a firearm. 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The Hippies A Rebellion against the Vietnam War Free Essays
The Origin and Label By the mid-sixties, the beats, follies, surfers, and psychedelics reached their peaks. This, together with the baby-boomers’ coming-of-age, set the perfect basis for the hippie counterculture to start. The Beats contributed a detachment of mainstream society; the Follies gave them a vision of simple, pre-longitudinal, rural life; the Surfers donated zestful hedonism, and a respectful link with nature; the Psychedelics brought mind-expansion, and said that LSI could be used as a escapism from the dreariness of modern life. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hippies: A Rebellion against the Vietnam War or any similar topic only for you Order Now Grew up against a backdrop of compulsory military service-?at least in the LLC. S. , where the movement had its roots. Culture and Festivals They believed in open use of marijuana, which could also be linked to their ideal of â€Å"back to nature†. Other things that went with this are, letting their hair grow, not bathing, some of them even walked around naked. *use of patchouli oil they dressed In natural fabrics like cotton and linen. *1967 â€Å"summer of love†Woodstock Festival – the 1 969 Woodstock Free Festival of Music and Arts Is the biggest, one-of-Its-kind festival of all times, with a crowd of about half a million people. There’s a movie and two albums trying to recreate the mood of Jim Hendrix, Janis Joplin, The Who, and others performing in the same event. By the end, this festival turned out to be bigger than the music – it became a symbol for everything connected with hippies, the flower children, and the â€Å"love generation. †Also, most hippies developed on the craft of tie-dying. Fashion and Influences Although it was a political and moral movement rejecting Western materialism and the money-grabbing â€Å"rat-race†, the hippies set the tone for most of the fashion In the late ass. They went with the attitude of â€Å"anything goes†, mixing up elements of ethnic and psychedelic Influences. Male dressing was becoming more and more feminine with loose, flounce, printed pants, neck scarves, and beaded belts. They wore Tolling roe Ana long loose anal – changeling society’s Ideas AT masculinity muff can’t tell the boys from the girls†was the outraged response to this dressing style. Jim Hendrix was one of the main fashion icons of this culture in the ass, with his exotic, colorful shirts, waistcoats, and wide-brimmed hats. He also wore lots of jewelry, which inspired a lot of designers to start a men’s Jewelry collection, which were to be worn over loose shirts and wide-bottomed velvet trousers. In complete contrast to the â€Å"space age†look with geometric patterns and clean lines, the Hippies decorated everything, including painting their body. The past views of psychedelic, ethnic, and romantic all came together, and the hippie-woman would not wear a teasing mint-skirt, but a full-length flow skirt, with love beads and bells. Everyone started to grow their hair long. By 1969, even the well-groomed model Twiggy wanted her hair to her waist. Even the Paris designers got into this new mood with great enthusiasm. The hippies’ cheap flamboyant clothes were transformed into expensive designer wear, as the ready-to-wear collections of 1967 was filled with Oriental touches, striped decal bas, harem dresses, tent dresses, rajah coats and Nehru Jacket, in fine wools and silk. Most designers began to follow the hippie ideal of â€Å"doing your own thing†, and Vogue reported that â€Å"the length of your skirt is how you feel this moment. The last collection of the ass were filled with micro skirts, maxis, and the compromised midis. Anti-fashion had triumphed in a round-about and trickle-up way, became the biggest fashion, and nothing would be quite the same ever again! Conclusion The original hippies living in San Francisco would have never imagined that their crazy way of dressing would have become a high-fashion trend by the end of the decade. Theirs was an anti-style that rejected the Western work ethic, along with the conformist clothing it encouraged. The Hippies had shocked and intrigued with their communal lifestyle, belief in free love, and experiments with drugs. Some thought they were â€Å"strange beings†in sandals and kaftans, handing out flowers as symbols of love and peace. Others talked of â€Å"alternative society’ and their establishment of self-supporting rural communities of like-minded people. How to cite The Hippies: A Rebellion against the Vietnam War, Papers
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